Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are severe injuries damaging various sections of the spine, including cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, or coccygeal areas. Symptoms may include numbness of extremities, pain or weakness in the neck, head, or back, loss of coordination or motor functions, tingling or loss of sensation in extremities, and partial or complete paralysis. The leading causes include vehicle accidents, falls, workplace accidents, acts of violence, sports injuries, and medical errors.
There are two main types of SCIs: complete and incomplete. Complete SCIs result in total loss of function below the injury point, while incomplete SCIs allow for some feeling or movement below the injury. Incomplete SCIs can lead to various syndromes, such as Anterior Cord Syndrome, Central Cord Syndrome, Posterior Cord Syndrome, and Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The location of the injury on the spine can result in different types of paralysis. Quadriplegia (or tetraplegia) occurs with cervical section injuries, while paraplegia results from injuries to the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral sections. For victims suffering paralysis, available damages may also include costs of medical devices, home or vehicle modifications, and ongoing rehabilitation.
If you or someone you know suffered a spinal cord injury (SCI), contact us immediately.
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